Condylomata Acuminata

This condition can also be known as penile warts, venereal warts, human papilloma virus (HPV) and Condyloma.

Definition of Condylomata Acuminata

It is a viral skin condition that is primarily characterized by a soft wart-like growth that appears on the genitals. It is classified as a sexually transmitted disease in adults, but it is believed to be a virus that is capable of appearing even with no sexual contact since it has been found in children.

Causes and Risks of Condylomata Acuminata

Genital warts that appear on the skin and mucous membranes are caused by the human papilloma virus or HPV. Warts on other areas including the penis, vulva, urethra, vagina, cervix and the perianal areas can result from those who are infected with HPV in the genital and anal regions.

Currently there are more than seventy identified types of HPV that have been classified. Raised and rough genital warts that are easily visible especially in females is believed to be associated with several of these including six, eleven and forty-two. Flat warts are associated with a few others, but more importantly nine of the other classified types are linked to pre-malignant and malignant changes in the cervix. When both HPV and herpes virus are present according to research it indicates that cervical cancer is a risk factor for the patient.

Lesions on the external genital areas are easy to recognize. Genital warts on the penis are drier and lesser in number when compared to those appearing on the female genitalia or around the anus of men or women, however they grow best in the moist genital area. These genital warts occur singly or in clusters of raised, rough, flesh-colored “warty” appearing tumors. The warts may enlarge rapidly and appear to look like a cauliflower if the are left untreated around the anus and vulva. It has been proven difficult to keep the area dry since the warts are usually of a damp nature.

HPV is able to infect both the vaginal and cervical areas in women, but these warts are generally flat and cannot be easily seen without the use of special procedures. Since HPV can lead to pre-cancerous cervical changes it is important that is be diagnosed and treatment promptly. Even though HPV is not uncommon, many people don’t exhibit any symptoms. Studies were done with several women of college age and almost fifty percent were positive for HPV although only one to two percent had noticeable warts and less than ten percent ever had noticeable genital warts. Although genital warts are on the increase, it could be because the diagnostic capability and awareness is on the increase.

You can lower you chances of contracting genital warts by removing the following risk factors:

  • Sex with multiple partners.
  • Have sex with someone whose sexual health is unknown.
  • Being sexually active at too young of an age.
  • Using tobacco.
  • A persons nutritional status.
  • The hormone balance of an individual.
  • Age.
  • Stress.
  • A recurrence of viral infections.

Prevention from Condylomata Acuminata

Aside from abstinence, the most practical way to prevent venereal warts is to have a monogamous relationship with a partner that is known to be free of disease. This also applies to sexually transmitted diseases as well. When considering your choices you should keep in mind that the American Cancer Society and the Center for Disease Control have showed that condoms can’t protect against HPV infections since it is transmitted through any skin contact and the condom may not cover the infected parts.


The genitals can have a raised “warty” appearing tumors. The lesions are flesh-colored. Anal warts may be present. The anus or female genitalia may have a cauliflower-like appearance. The area of the growths may have an increased dampness or moisture. There may be itching in the area of the penis, scrotum, anal area or a vulvar itch. There may be increased vaginal discharge. After sexual intercourse there may be abnormal vaginal bleeding. Although frequently there are no symptoms noted.

Treatment for Condylomata Acuminata

The most common treatment is Intron A Therapy, but a doctor may recommend one of the additional treatments:

  • The lesions can be destroyed with topical treatments such as trichloroacetic acid, podophyllum and liquid nitrogen.
  • There are surgical treatments that can be used such as cryosurgery, electro cauterization, laser therapy or surgical excision.
  • A health care provider can examine your sexual partners and treat any warts that are noted.
  • Every few weeks after initial treatment a follow-up examination will be needed and then you can do a self-examination.
  • Every six months pap smears should be done for those who have a history of genital warts as well as women who have male sexual parts with a history of genital warts.

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