Essential Vulvodynia

Only a certain cross-section of the population and a particular age group is affected by certain skin ailments. You should monitor any symptoms you have and report any changes in your skin to your doctor.

A chronic sensation of burning and irritation of the vulva is essential vulvodynia. Individuals with this condition can develop bumps or blisters on the hands and fingers. There can also be red and inflamed bumps and sores in the vulva area. It is not a life-threatening or contagious ailment. Although normal activities such as exercising, biking, walking and even sex can become uncomfortable and painful for those with this condition.

Who Can Get Them?

It occurs in postmenopausal women. Women of Northern or Eastern European descent and those with a light-skinned complexion are the most common to be infected.

What Can Cause Them?

It is unknown was exactly causes essential vulvodynia. A combination of factor can cause the pain and the skin ailment. Psychological factors can also cause the condition and women who have experienced regular yeast infections or other infections in the past can get them.

How Does It Happen?

A painful, burning sensation of the vulva is the characteristic of essential vulvodynia. The area will also have a red, inflamed and scaly appearance. The rash is often painful and sore to the touch.

Where Do They Appear?

It appears on the vulva of women which includes the labia, clitoris and the opening of the vagina. The condition can extend to include the thighs, buttocks, the urethra and the rectum.

What Are The Symptoms?

The symptoms can include a painful discomfort in the vulva area, the area has a burning, itching and aching sensation. The area can have a rash or scaly patches. Depression can also be a symptom because of the chronic pain and effects on the normal activities.

How Can It Be Diagnosed?

To rule out some other cause of the pain a doctor will do a physical exam. To check for any signs of an infection that might be present the doctor will swab the vulva area. This will also help them to rule out any other illness. The doctor will then remove a small piece of tissue from the area to view under a microscope. This biopsy from the inflicted area can help to confirm the diagnosis.

What Treatments Are Available For Essential Vulvodynia?

There is no known cure, but treatment are available to help reduce the symptoms that come with the illness. Treatments won’t work on every individuals so it can sometimes take awhile for the proper treatment to be found for the individual. Getting treatment is necessary since the condition can reappear even though it may clear up on its own.

To prevent from further irritating the area and inflaming the rash a doctor may ask you to avoid certain soaps and harsh detergents. Next a doctor will usually prescribe a steroid cream and lotion to apply to the affected area. The steroid will have to be applied carefully since the skin in this area is extremely sensitive and you don’t want to make the situation worse. A doctor can also recommend certain antidepressant drugs and pain management medication along with treatment. Doctors will need to watch individuals carefully since there are some serious side effective from these medications and drugs. Surgery can be conducted as a rare option if all other treatments fail.

Remember that the most exposed part of your body is your skin. It can react to any change in your body since it is the most sensitive. If any sort of strange growth, rash or pain to the skin is develop individuals should seek medical attention. Many of these ailments are simple and non life threatening, but it is best to have a doctor check just to make sure.

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