Does a Tooth Whitening Product Comparison Help?

There are hundreds of tooth whitening products available on the market today. How do we decide what is good? Or which is best? Many think that a thorough tooth whitening product comparison would be extremely helpful. However, there are other factors to consider before going through a tooth whitening product comparison - and that is, what the actual definition of "best" is.

Good, Best, Better: Only Relative Terms

You want to know which product is the best. But in order to make that determination you should have definition of the word standing by in your brain, as only then will the task of making a tooth whitening product comparison be meaningful. As per the dictionary, 'best' is the superlative of 'good' and the equivalent of 'excellent'

When it comes to the whitening products, you first have to know what type of teeth you have and what type of whitening system would best benefit your teeth - then only you can do a proper tooth whitening product comparison. The best here is not the best in the market in terms of cost, or ingredients, or availability - it is the best that suits YOU.

Then, coming back to our search - is it feasible to use the tooth whitening product comparison to sort this puzzle out? Maybe, but I doubt it very much. Rather, you should seek out a perfect match between what you need for the whitening of your teeth and what is available in the market. When you make this decision you should take into consideration the concentration of the bleaching agent, what amount of fluoride is required to counteract the sensitivity of teeth post-treatment, what type of stains it removes, how many times you'd need to apply the treatment, and how long the results last.

Once you determine these details then you can conduct a tooth whitening product comparison in that particular category of products. Even then, there have been instances where the best of the best does not suit a person. What then is the use of identifying the best? In this context, the best recourse is to search for the product that suits you best.

This may or may not the most popular brand on the market; it does not matter. What matters is that it should provide you with the results that you want and expect at a price you can afford. Only then you can say that the product is the BEST.

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