Laser Treatment for Varicose Veins

Beautiful legs are undoubtedly a weapon of attraction for women. But once they run, stand on their feet for a long time or lift weights, they put a lot of pressure over their legs. More than a woman from two suffers from venous insufficiency. Actually, women are more affected than men are. Heredity is the main cause for the varicose veins in 8 from 10 cases, followed by hormonal fluctuations lesions.

In Latin, the term ‘varix’ means curved and twisted. It is the perfect name for the varicose veins, as they represent dilated and deformed veins which can be easily noticed under the skin. Situated in most of the cases at the inferior legs level, varicose veins mainly appear because of a venous insufficiency. They are not dangerous to our health, as they affect only the superficial veins of the legs. It is possible that they should brake and produce external hemorrhage or internal blood diffusion in the subcutaneous tissue, but this is a rare case. All these problems are benign and relatively easy to be treated. On the other hand, there can appear painful effects of the varicose veins when they cause skin disorder, especially ulcer, which is preceded by dermatitis (a brown pigmentation of the skin); unfortunately, the ulcer gets over-infected and cicatrizes extremely hard.

In many situations, varicose veins can be treated successfully by applying laser treatment. This modern technique consists on introducing a laser fiber through a skin incision in order to cauterize the vein. The ray of light transforms into heat having a certain wave length; it warms the blood which also warms the vein wall. The target of the wave lengths are the hemoglobin and the water from the blood. The vein suffers a photocoagulation process. The venous laser can be realized in a surgery room and the treatment takes no more than an hour; it is a painless and rapid procedure. After the treatment, the patient can easily go home and return to its usual activities. The advantage of the laser treatment is that it can be done in a clinic department, under a local anesthesia. The inconvenient part is that it can treat only the main vein, and not the other adjacent veins, which depend on it. But the medicinal treatment can complete the laser treatment by treating the smaller veins. It is a modern and very popular technique as it simple, efficient and less invasive. It also guarantees the fact that the varicose veins won’t reappear. The side effects are minimal and no scares are left. Before the treatment a Doppler test should be done in order to realize a clinical and clinical evaluation of the venous system.

Why choose a laser treatment in stead of a surgical one? The answer is simple. The surgical treatment is very complicated and requires a serious anesthesia. The patient needs to be hospitalized and immobilized for several days, including a 20-30 day period after the surgery; unwanted side effects may appear. Why choose this, when you can experience no traumas and a painless and rapid solving of your problem? In the last decade, the laser method has become extremely popular and used because of its numerous advantages and efficiency. The endovascular laser treatment is the 21st century varicose veins enemy.

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