Pregnancy - Varicose Veins

Lots of women (some of them already mothers, others that prepare themselves for the first baby) show themselves terrified by the association pregnancy-varicose veins. They are constantly asking how to avoid its troubles.

One important thing that should be known by all women is that pregnancy does not cause lower legs varicose veins. 95% of women that suffer from varicose veins have inherited it hereditarily. The rest 5% are caused by other factors (burns, traumas etc.). The varicose veins main cause is the heredity; this means that a woman whose mother had varicose veins has the same tendency of vessel dilatation. There are also several factors that ease the varicose veins process, such as professions that involve standing a lot, sports that involve using detention (basket, volley ball or football), obesity, local traumatisms or pregnancy.

Pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the most popular factors that determine varicose veins development. It is not all about the pregnancy pressure over the pelvis vessels, but also about the hormonal changes that happen during the pregnancy. The increased progesterone secrecy determines venous walls modifications, which become more easily dilated, therefore varicose veins, appear and develop.

It is important that the patient should go to the doctor in the first two or three years since the varicose veins apparition. The affection evolves slowly, without any pain so that it shouldn’t produce panic. The lack of symptoms delays the visit to the doctor, thus the danger appears. There are patients that have 10 or 15 years varicose veins that have already severe affections (shank ulcer, thrombosis, etc.)

It is better to prevent than to cure. In order to avoid varicose veins apparition, one should adopt a healthy lifestyle and a proper body hygiene which helps the blood circulation. Walk every day, even though it is just a simple walk. Avoid leg pressure, hot baths, and sun exposure. Floor warming or wax depilation doesn’t do you any good. Also avoid standing a lot.

If you have painful symptoms here are some pieces of advice: lift your legs as much as possible over a wall so that the blocked blood should circulate. From this position you can massage your legs. With one foot you can massage the other foot and vice versa. The same with shank; then strongly massage the thighs with your hands. Try to sleep at night with your legs lifted as high as possible. There are several plant preparations; ask for the doctor’s or pharmacist’s advice.

The only efficient and long-lasting treatment is the surgery. It is advisable for all women that have varicose veins before pregnancy to do the varicose veins surgery. If the gynecologist agrees, women in the first months of pregnancy can also be operated. The results are extremely satisfying and the varicose veins don’t appear anymore; that is how you can avoid further complications. For women that are already in the second or third pregnancy trimester, special elastic stockings are recommended; also, they have to do physical exercises indicated by the doctor and daily 30-60 minutes walks.

Women should understand that varicose veins are not only a matter of aesthetics. It is firstly a medical problem that can create a lot of troubles; it can complicate their lives unless they go to the doctor in time and remove it with confidence.

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