Myxoid Cysts

Natural skin may get a skin growth which is actually a group of cells that forms. The skin growths will either be flat or raised with a variety of sizes and colors. The compositions and whether or not they are cancerous is what makes these skin growths different. To prevent long term damage to your skin it is important to remember to get them checked out by a doctor.

Close to an individuals nail myxoid cysts can developed. They are a formation of a substance like jelly that typically appears on the fingers or toes. Digital mucous is a common reference for these skin growths. Typically they are soft and rubbery when touched. They are usually skin colored or translucent and appear with a smooth and shiny surface. The center of the nail may have a groove as a result of the myxoid cysts.

Who Can Get Them?

Anyone can be affected by myxoid cysts although women are more likely to get them then men. Individuals over the age of forty are also more likely to get them. Once an individual reaches middle age or older they typically begin to appear.

What Can Cause Them?

It is not exactly known what causes myxoid cysts. They may appear suddenly or take a few months to develop. Sometimes they may occur at the site of injury on the fingers or toes, but this may not always be the case. However, it is a factor that contributes to the appearance of myxoid cysts.

How Does It Happen?

When hyaluronic acid forms on the fingers or toes close to the nail then myxoid cysts occur. As a result the top of the finger has a degeneration of the tissue and then the cysts appear. The site of a previous injury or minor trauma is where they often appear. Friction on the fingers or toes in another area where myxoid cysts may develop.

Where Do They Appear?

An individual will get myxoid cysts on their fingers or toes either on the nail or near it. There is no other part of the body where these cysts develop.

What Are the Symptoms of Myxoid Cysts?

The ends of fingers and toes are common sites of myxoid cysts and they typically feel soft and rubbery. The nail is the common area effected by this ailment. The length of the nail or a few millimeters can be the total size of these cysts although they vary in size. There can be some discomfort and pain for the individual who has myxoid cysts.

How Can It Be Diagnosed?

Doctors can easily diagnose myxoid cysts. Doctors can examine the common sites on the fingers and toes and make a quick diagnosis of the condition.

What Treatments Are Available for Myxoid Cysts?

There are a number of treatments available for individuals to choose from. Some people will only choose treatment when the cysts become painful since the cysts will typically go away on their own. There are treatments that are more successful than others. A procedure known as cryotherapy where the cysts are frozen is the first option. Liquid nitrogen is used to freeze the cysts. The cysts will dry up as a result of this treatment, but a flat white scar can be left behind.

Injecting the cysts with cortisone is another option to take away the cysts. However, this is the least likely procedure since few patients notice results. While there are some drawbacks, another option for removing myxoid cysts is surgery. The cysts can return again after the surgery. To reduce the size of the cysts steroid injections can be given.

The size of the cysts can also be reduced by using a silicon gel sheet and pressing down on the cysts. After doing this you will have to apply an antibiotic cream. The cysts will typically return no matter what treatment option you use and most of the time they will come back in the same spot as the original cysts.

Most individuals will get the cysts removed for cosmetic purposes since they are not usually harmful. It is more important to have the cysts checked out since they are a skin ailment common in older individuals. This allows you to rule out cancerous growths.

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