Necrobiosis Lipoidica Disbeticorum

This is a skin disease that has a rash on the lower leg. It seems to affect only women and there will usually be more than one rash. This is unusual for many rashes that do appear on the human body. This skin disorder is difficult to diagnose and it often requires the taking of a tissue sample to be examined at a lab. It is highly recommended that you keep checking your body if you have diabetes since women with diabetes are more likely to get this skin disease. Since it can flare up at any time even when it seems like it is going away it can be a very unpredictable skin disease.

Vulnerable Patients

Women who are diabetic seem to be the most vulnerable. This skin disease is very rarely contracted by men. Even women without diabetes can contract this skin disease. Although the percentage of women without diabetes who get this skin disease is a lot lower than the percentage of women with diabetes.

Symptoms of Necrobiosis Lipoidica Disbeticorum

Only a few main symptoms can tell you if you have contracted this skin disease. The rash on the legs will be raised with shiny red patches. Usually the center of the rash is yellow. The rash might develop sores as well and this isn’t pleasant since they take awhile to heal and can cause some discomfort. Although curable, this disease takes some time to disappear completely especially if you delay getting diagnosed by your doctor.

Diagnosis for Necrobiosis Lipoidica Disbecticorum

It is very difficult to diagnose this disorder because it can get confused with another skin disease. It has been frequently misdiagnosed as granuloma annulare. As a result you get the wrong medication to fight the disease. As a result the skin disease lasts longer with more discomfort and frustration. A skin sample may be requested by some doctors to be further diagnosed at a lab. This will help assure against a false diagnosis.

Treatment for Necrobiosis Lipoidica Disbecticorum

There are treatments to counter this condition. Although treatment can be difficult since the condition may not always respond to the medication a doctor gives you. You might be given a topical cortisone cream. This helps soothe the rash and help lower it. Sometimes instead of the cream individuals will be given a cortisone cream injection. The injection has been more effective than the cream, but it can be difficult to always go to the doctor to receive this injection.


The chances of gaining a full recovery for those who contract this condition is very high. There is other treatment available if the rash continues to bother you and stays on your leg, including steroid tablets. Although this is only necessary if you have the condition for a long time.

Summary for Necrobiosis Lipoidica Disbeticorum

Overall this isn’t a good skin disease to have. No one wants any type of skin disease on their body. Although this is a rather bad skin disease. If wrongly diagnosed as another skin disease the patient can be frustrated. Also someone with diabetes wouldn’t be pleased to have this disease on their body.

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