Stretch Marks Best Medications

More than 80% of women get stretch marks at specific moments in their lives, after pregnancy or after losing or putting on weight and often as a result of low zinc level.

Stretch marks can as well appear in the case of men, especially after a sudden weight loss. In time they become less visible. At the beginning they appear as red skin striations, on the abdomen, breasts, thighs or hips then they turn into white – nacre scars which will never disappear. A lot of overweight persons whose skin is well stretched can lose weight without getting stretch marks. Nutritional and hereditary factors have extremely important roles in this case. In order to compensate zinc deficits you need nutritive supplements based on green – blue seaweeds, vitamin B5 (300 mg per day), vitamin C with bioflavonoid elements (1,000 mg per day), vitamin E (600 U.I. per day), zinc (at least 15 – 30 mg per day). Vitamins B5 and c are in general good for the health of your skin.

Furthermore, there are homeopathic salts like calcium – fluoric ones and siliceous ones contributes to maintaining a firm, strong and elastic cellular tissue.

If you like experiments and you have the patience necessary, you can prepare a very efficient stretch mark removal cream. You need half of an avocado, soft and ripe, 6 vitamin E capsules, 4 vitamin A capsules, 2 spoons of olive oil, 2 spoons aloe gel, 5 drops of liquid zinc or 2 capsules of 50 mg of powder zinc, half a teaspoon of green – blue seaweed (optionally) and 1 teaspoon of siliceous liquid (optionally)

You have to chop a big piece of avocado, which is soft and ripe until it turns into a paste. Undo vitamin E and A capsules and pour their content over avocado cream. Add all the other ingredients and mix them well with the paste. Spread the cream all over the areas affected by stretch marks. Leave the cream on for 30 minutes every day in order to be absorbed by the skin. You won’t get rid of long lasting stretch marks, but they can become less visible. Besides, the cream has an incredible effect of softening and nourishing your skin. Thus, your skin will have access to nutritive substances which decrease the probability of new stretch marks appearing. In order to preserve your cream you have to add lemon juice.

Moreover, you can purchase creams based on chamomile, which have as well antiseptic properties and rose water cleans and tones your skin affected by stretch marks, having as well astringent effect, leading to skin regeneration. You probably know that apart from being unaesthetic, stretch marks can become itchy especially when weather changes. In this case it is recommended to use a cream which contains carrots extracts, or cucumbers ones.

Finally we must add that all the medication used for stretch marks removal is highly efficient in hiding your problem but it can’t remove it forever. It can be removed only through surgery operations. However, if the idea of surgery does not ring a bell for you, as soon as you have discovered the first stretch marks signs, you must use the best creams in order to try to prevent its spreading.

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