Stomach Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a major problem nowadays. 90% of pregnant women have this problem, 70% of the teenagers and 40% of sportspersons have to face stretch marks. They appear when the dermal surface is stretched for a longer time and the skin loses its elasticity, because the conjunctive tissue fibres are torn. Obviously stomach stretch marks are really disagreeable and women wonder if they can be treated. Firstly you must be very patient. At the beginning stomach stretch marks have a reddish colour, but it loses intensity in time. This phenomenon depends a lot on the skin type, on the lesions depth and on your wish to treat them. In some cases these thin stripes get decolorized after some years since their appearance and their thickness as well as their depth can be different.

In their incipient phase, stretch marks can be treated with products from pharmacies sold without prescription. Emollient creams which contain vitamin E helps the skin to regenerate and it also becomes supple. Vitamin A is a good emollient too. Creams based on vitamins A or E, are efficient upon the superior skin layer, but they cannot penetrate into inferior layers where actually appear stretch marks. Besides, these creams based on vitamins can’t change completely a condition which is already existent. That is why it is recommended to treat stretch marks when they are still in progress. Dermatologists are skeptical concerning diet which constantly lack zinc and vitamins A, E, and C, which contribute to collagen fibers formation. Then they blame pregnancy when a woman puts on weight and this happens quite suddenly – even if they use anti stomach stretch marks creams since the first pregnancy months, hormones which are specific to pregnancy decrease a lot collagen fibers resistance. Sometimes if you take some medicines based on corticoids more than 3 – 4 weeks or if you practice body building you can get stomach stretch marks.

Furthermore, stomach stretch marks can be removed as well through aesthetic surgery methods. They are major surgery operations which remove excessive skin and fat tissue at the level of the inferior abdomen. In the same time with the operation you can have some abdominal wall problems solved and smooth abdominal muscles are rejoined on the median line. If this operation is performed by an experimented surgeon, the results are always amazing. It can remove disgraceful skin at the level of the inferior abdomen, but it can produce a permanent scar, usually extended between hips. This operation is recommended for men and for women as well who have an excessive tegument combined with an adipose deposit which cannot be removed through diet or exercises. It is useful as well for women who because of multiple pregnancies have disagreeable abdominal muscles. This intervention is useful as well for removing stretch marks and scars located under the navel. If you want to become pregnant again or if you want to keep weight loss diets you should not have this operation done.

If you really respect yourself and the others as well and you have to face stomach stretch marks, don’t lose time and take measures just for your beauty and self confidence.

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