
As a result of another disorder in an individuals body a skin ailment can develop. Some skin ailments only affect the women of the population. If you see any changes in your skin it is important to seek out medical attention in order to get the proper treatment.

The term used to describe pain in the vulva is vulvodynia. The external genital area in women is the vulva. Vulvodynia is a common condition that affects a lot of women. Women who have this illness experience scaly patches or rashes on the vulva. The rashes may sometimes develop into small sores or bumps. The afflicted area can become red and inflamed. It is not a life-threatening ailment but it can cause a lot of pain and discomfort.

Who Can Get Them?

Only women get vulvodynia. White women are most likely to get it and is rarely occurs in women of other races. Fifteen percent of all women will experience this disorder.

What Can Cause Them?

It is unknown was exactly causes vulvodynia. Some evidence has suggested that a few factors contribute to the ailment. Women with frequent yeast infections will get vulvodynia. A chemical irritation caused from contact with soaps or detergents can cause the condition. A significant role in the illness can also be linked to allergies. Sometimes a negative reaction that we don’t even think about can result from the foods we eat.

How Does It Happen?

It is characterized by a burning, stinging, itching and irritation of the vulva. The afflicted area may also become red and inflamed. The area may be surrounded by a rash or scaly patches. The rash is often extremely painful and sore.

Where Do They Appear?

It typically appear on the vulva of women. It can spread to the inside of the thighs, upper legs and even around the anus and the urethra in some cases.

What Are The Symptoms?

Pain in the vulva is the main symptom. Other characteristics include discomfort, burning and stinging sensations. A scaly red rash will accompany the condition. The area is often sensitive to touch and can make it difficult to do common activities.

How Can It Be Diagnosed?

A pelvic exam and test may have to be conducted by a doctor to check for the presence of a bacteria or yeast infection. A Q-tip test is done in which a doctor swabs the area and asks you what the pain feels like. A biopsy of the inflamed area may also have to be done. A doctor may recommend a colonoscopy. This is when a special magnifying glass is used to examine the genital area.

What Treatments Are Available?

Depending on the cause of the illness, vulvodynia treatments will vary. In some cases women will have the symptoms completely disappear. Medications such as painkillers can be used to treat the pain of the vulva area. The rash and scaly patches can be treated with creams and lotions. Although using steroid base creams and lotions should be done carefully because this is a sensitive area of the body. With misuse of these products the area can become more raw and irritated.

With the nerve pain and irritation, antidepressants and antibiotic medication can also help. Laser therapy and surgery have been used in some instances. You will have to watch these medications just like the others since they can have some serious side effects.

Some benefits in helping with this illness have been found in acupuncture. Before embarking on this method of pain reduction you should check with your doctor. Doctors may recommend more exercise since this helps your body to release endorphins that can help reduce the pain.

It can be difficult to treat a disorder such as vulvodynia and it is important for a woman to see a doctor immediately if they develop this ailment. The symptoms may have to be treated separately at times. The only way to ensure any relief for the individual is with proper treatment.

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