
How much a person sweats is affected by the disorder hyperhidrosis. It is genetic in nature and people find themselves sweating profusely from their hands, feet and underarms when they suffer from it.

Causes of Hyperhidrosis

Hyperactivity in the nervous system is the main cause of hyperhidrosis. While there is much progress being made in the area of study on this disease, the genetics of the disorder have yet to be completely figured out. Few people realize that there is no outside determining factors when hyperhidrosis causes sweating. Many people sweat when in uncomfortable situations, but this doesn’t bear on sufferers of this disease. The onset is purely genetic and has nothing to do with the lifestyle or environment of the person.

Those with this disorder will react to high stress situations just like other people, but sweating is not controlled to any degree. There is no stopping the sweating once it is turned on.

The disorder also has no linked specific physical attributes. Those afflicted with hyperhidrosis come in all sizes and physical conditions. The secondary hyperhidrosis that is a direct result of the medical condition that is the underlying original issue is not to be confused.

Symptoms of Hyperhidrosis

Simply very much sweat is the symptom of hyperhidrosis. The disorder has no other physical manifestations associated with it. Those afflicted with the disease find they sweat without stopping from the hands and feet.

Sweating has some certain medical benefits, but they aren’t a factor when dealing with this disorder. Sweating has been known to last for twenty four hours or more once it starts. There can be severe effects on the systems when the body loses that much fluid.

People should continually hydrate themselves with fluids such as water when they find themselves sweating for long periods of time. It is best to keep the fluids moving back into the body when it is losing a lot of water in a short period of time even if it doesn’t feel like they are not hanging around long.

Hyperhidorsis comes with certain emotional symptoms as well. A mild form of depression is experience by most sufferers which restricts them from leaving their homes since they don’t want to be seen sweating in public. The brunt of the force from this depression comes from the stigma of excessive sweating since people view it as looking guilty when they sweat too much. This myth isn’t true and people should learn to control the anxiety associated with the disease.

Diagnosis for Hyperhidrosis

It is important to explain to your doctor that the severity of the sweating is not in line with the norm when you have hyperhidrosis diagnosed. Most of the times a doctor will attribute excessive sweating to a lifestyle issue rather than a medical condition. Although embarrassing, you need to make sure your doctor knows that it isn’t a normal occurrence and make them listen to you.

Treatment for Hyperhidrosis

For hyperhidrosis there are several non surgical treatment options. A doctor will first need to determine the severity of the condition. Some tests will need to be run to determine this, but they are generally non invasive and non painful as well. The doctor will sit down with you once the severity is determined and discuss the possibilities for treatment that you can use.

Botox is the most common treatment. Although used for cosmetic upgrade, it has proven effective for the treatment of this condition. Some promise has been shown with several topical treatments in recent clinical trials. These topical treatments still aren’t in wide practice yet.

In most cases the disorder of hyperhidrosis still isn’t completely curable. Although sufferers don’t need to hide from the public. Contact your doctor as soon as possible so that you can set up an appointment to discuss treatment options. Since treatments may take several weeks to be effective you shouldn’t delay.

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