
Different skin growths, rashes and blemishes are all a part of life for both men and women of all ages. An appropriate treatment will be recommended based on the skin disorder that you have and the characteristics of your skin. If you ever develop any unusual skin ailments it is important that you consult a doctor or dermatologist.

A common type of eczema is pompholyx. It can also be called dyshidrotic eczema or vesicular eczema. The appearance of tiny blisters that are deep in the skin is the first stage of this ailment. The blisters will have a clear water substance that will usually go away without bursting and expelling the contents. An itching and burning sensation can be associated with it. Peeling, cracking and crusting of the skin can occur in extreme cases. The skin can also harden.

Who Can Get Them?

Individuals of all races can be affected by pompholyx. Individuals between the ages of twenty to forty are most likely to get it. It is slightly more frequent in women then men.

What Can Cause Them?

It is unknown exactly what causes pompholyx. Although the skin disorder may be triggered by a few factors. These factors include abnormal amounts of sweating, hot weather, stress, grief and in some cases the use of certain detergents in washing dishes or clothes.

How Does Pompholyx Happen?

After a person experiences high levels of stress or an abnormal amount of sweating due to the weather then pompholyx will often appear. An indication has shown that the skin disorder may be triggered by some change. Along with the tiny blisters that appear deep in the skin the skin may start to peel. An itching and burning sensation is also experienced by the individual.

Where Do They Appear?

The hands and/or the feet is the most common places for pompholyx to appear.

What Are The Symptoms of Pompholyx?

Peeling and tiny blisters begin to appear as symptoms of pompholyx. The skin becomes cracked and crusted over in the later stages. After two weeks the skin disorder will usually clear up. Individuals may experience only one stage of the ailment or the other and some will have both stages at the same time.

How Can It Be Diagnosed?

Pompholyx can be easily diagnosed by a doctor or dermatologist since it has distinct symptoms, the tiny blisters that appear on the hands and/or feet. Some individuals may be allergic to nickel when they have pompholyx so they should avoid contact with this metal.

What Treatments Are Available for Pompholyx?

Depending on the stage of the skin ailment that individuals are at, treatments will vary. Pompholyx has no quick treatment and relief is only gained through a combination of treatments. To relieve and dry up the blisters cool compresses and soaks can be used. The soaks should be done with a solution of vinegar and water. However, they should be done at least four times a day for a period of fifteen minutes.

The inflicted areas should be moisturized constantly to help reduce the itching and soften the skin. Moisturizer should be liberally applied at least two or three times a day. A doctor may also prescribe a topical steroid for night use to help with the inflamed area and the itching. Most of the time it is only used in the later stages of the skin disorder. To help combat any secondary infection that may develop antibiotics are also given. To prevent any further irritation, especially if your hands are constantly in water, individuals may need to wear protective gloves. Medications such as methotrexate and botulinum may be prescribed in extreme cases.

It is important to remember that your skin is the most exposed part of your body and an array of elements batter it everyday from the sun and the weather to chemicals in the air and the food you eat. You should talk with your doctor or dermatologist whenever you have a strange growth or rash. Most of the time these are simple and non life threatening ailments, but you should always make sure you take proper care of it.

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